Monday, November 15, 2010

MBM {Sweet Words}

Week 2, aren't we all proud? Memorial Box Monday actually isn't up, the original blog has had some family stuff going on, so I'm guessing it will be posted late. Oh well, I wasn't going to miss week two of my new venture!

This week has been a crazy one. Getting our house ready to sell just seems like a daunting task, one that I feel like is being "taken advantage of," if you get my drift. It would be sooooo much easier to hang up our hats on this whole thing, give up, and stay put for a while longer.

But that is not what we are called to do, we are not called to be comfortable, but rather step out in faith. Even if the current "stepping out" is emptying "junk" and painting.(Anyone local want some junk?) But I digress.

In the midst of this week, my little girl decided that she needed to do a "picture time" (aka photo shoot) of her "Ack and Echo". So she proceeded to find a blanket, lay it out, pose her babies, and start snapping away with her little Nikon. (We teach 'em young around here!)

And in the midst of all of the action she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, your my best friend". Oh precious girl, stay this age forever!

Setting up her shot.

"Cheese" Got it!

They got a little cranky, time for a paci break.

Kneeling down, getting on her babies level. All about perspective!

Taken with my camera, using the view finder, holding it all by herself. Is Christmas too early to get her her first DSLR? :)

1 comment:

  1. Starting young!! Sure goes to show how kids are very observant and watch everything we do!! She is so sweet!
