Saturday, October 2, 2010

Christmas is coming...

The goose is getting fat. Please help us launch our Etsy Shop!

Okay, lame, but in all seriousness, we want to launch an Etsy shop come the end of the month, and we need goodies for it. I'm trying to get my creative genes going, and I have a few items I will be working on once the kiddos head to bed. (a few stroller blankets, family cloth, cloth wipes, "un" paper towels", and reusable tissues...) We would LOVE your help in this. Anyone with a creative bone in their body (and even those without!) are welcome to donate goodies to our collaborative shop. We will be open to all ideas, doesn't have to be fabric or kid related. Want to make a few paintings for us or do some etching on glass? Sweet we would LOVE it!

We can help out with material cost if that is an issue, but prefer free to nearly free items. (have you seen the fabric selection at the local thrift store :)) After all this is a fundraiser and the lower the overhead the better! So contact me (facebook, comment, email...) if you are at all interested in helping out! Also if you have extra fabric lying around that you would like to donate, we would gladly take it off of your hands!

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